Search code examples

SPFx how to set a people field in a list, e.g. "convert" AccountName to Lookup ID?

I am trying to build an SPFX WebPart with React Office UI Fabric. I have a SharePoint list with a People field called AssignedTo. The ID values are like 12, 20, and so on. When I select a person with the PeoplePicker, I get AccountName like i:0#.f|membership|[email protected] and a GUID like ff53b41e-d11a-435c-9cd1-d708e71ee7c7.

How do I "convert" the information from the PeoplePicker to the IDs, the People Field in the list is using?

The PeoplePicker retrieves the People as follows:

private searchPeople(terms: string, results: IPersonaProps[]): IPersonaProps[] | Promise<IPersonaProps[]> {
  return new Promise<IPersonaProps[]>((resolve, reject) =>
      headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json;odata=nometadata',
        'odata-version': ''
    .then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ PrimaryQueryResult: IPeopleDataResult }> => {
      return response.json();
    .then((response: { PrimaryQueryResult: IPeopleDataResult }): void => {
      let relevantResults: any = response.PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults;
      let resultCount: number = relevantResults.TotalRows;
      let people = [];
      if (resultCount > 0) {
        relevantResults.Table.Rows.forEach( (row) => {
          let persona: IPersonaProps = {};
          row.Cells.forEach( (cell) => {

            if (cell.Key === 'PictureURL')
              persona.imageUrl = cell.Value;
            else if (cell.Key === 'PreferredName')
              persona.primaryText = cell.Value;
              persona.imageInitials = cell.Value.charAt(0) + (cell.Value.lastIndexOf(" ") > 0 ? cell.Value.charAt(cell.Value.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1) : "");
            else if (cell.Key === 'AccountName')
              persona.itemID = cell.Value; // e.g.: "i:0#.f|membership|[email protected]"
            else if (cell.Key === 'UserProfile_GUID')
              persona.itemID = cell.Value; // e.g.: "ff53b41e-d11a-435c-9cd1-d708e71ee7c7"
    }, (error: any): void => {
      reject(this._peopleList = []);

I get the List items as follows:

private _getItems(requester: SPHttpClient): Promise<IInteractionLogItem[]> {
  const queryString: string = `?$select=Id,Title,Client/Id,Client/Title,Client/EMail,Client/MobilePhone,` +
const queryUrl: string = this._listItemsUrl + queryString;

return requester.get(queryUrl, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1)
  .then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => {
    return response.json();
  .then((json: { value: IInteractionLogItem[] }) => {
    return IInteractionLogItem) => {
      const returnItem: IInteractionLogItem = 
        Id: interactionLog.Id, 
        Title: interactionLog.Title, 
        Client: interactionLog.Client,

      returnItem.CreatedBy.Picture = this._getPictureUrl(returnItem.CreatedBy.EMail);

      if( returnItem.Client )
        returnItem.Client.Picture = this._getPictureUrl(returnItem.Client.EMail);

      return returnItem;

Any help is much appreciated :-)


  • A call to api/web/ensureuser using the SPHttpClient is needed. It ensures the requested user is loaded into the SharePoint site userinfo. Using the given AccountName like i:0#.f|membership|[email protected] from the search as parameter. The returned SPUser contains the Id field for the Lookup column. I implemented the following method:

    public EnsureUser(userName: string): Promise<ISPUser> {
      console.log("SharePointDataProvider.EnsureUser( \"" + userName + "\" )");
      var data = {logonName: userName};
        { body: JSON.stringify(data) } ).then(
          (value: SPHttpClientResponse) => {
            console.log("SharePointDataProvider.EnsureUser FullFill: statusText:\"" + value.statusText + "\"" );
            return value.json();
          (error: any) => console.log("SharePointDataProvider.EnsureUser Rejected: " + error )
        ).then((json: ISPUser) => {
            console.log("SharePointDataProvider.EnsureUser FullFill: Id:" + json.Id +" LoginName:\"" + json.LoginName + "\"" );
          return json;

    My mini ISPUser interface:

    interface ISPUser
        Email: string;
        Id: number;
        LoginName: string;
        Title: string;