I want to get syntax highlighting inside of a bash heredoc. In addition, I want bash variable dereference and command substitution highlighting in the heredoc.
Using these instructions as a starting point, I was able to add variable dereferencing by examining sh.vim. I imagine you could accomplish command substitution in a similar fashion.
let s:bcs = b:current_syntax
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax include @YAML syntax/yaml.vim
syntax region hereDocYAML matchgroup=Statement start=/<<-\?\s*\z(YML\)/ end=/^\s*\z1/ contains=@YAML,hereDocDeref,hereDocDerefSimple
syn match hereDocDerefSimple "\$\%(\h\w*\|\d\)"
syn region hereDocDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${" end="}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefVarArray
hi def link hereDocDeref PreProc
hi def link hereDocDerefSimple PreProc
My problem is, this doesn't appear to work in any sort of block (if
, function
, for
, etc.). For example:
The only thing I know is that this is not an indentation problem. Changing indentation has no effect, and using indentation outside of a block works properly.
The contains
on the definition of shIf
appears to limit the possible highlights to whatever items are in shIfList
Adding your item to the group as follows will give you highlighting withing that region:
syn cluster shIfList add=hereDocYAML
The same principle holds for all other blocks. For example:
syn cluster shFunctionList add=hereDocYAML
syn cluster shLoopList add=hereDocYAML
It should be noted that the approach you've outlined is not generally useful. First of all, it requires that the included syntax file use groups for their contains
In addition, it works for YAML because bash dereference syntax and YAML syntax do not conflict. For more complicated syntaxes like sed or awk, you will have conflicts, and the rules to resolve those conflicts will likely require a new syntax entirely.