Faced typical novice problem with constexpr modifier in modern c++.
Am I right that there's no way to write such code even in c++17 (cause of http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/libs/hana/doc/html/index.html#tutorial-appendix-constexpr)?
And one must use "value as a type" idiom (use different types for Open and Closed files in this example)?
#include <boost/hana/filter.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/tuple.hpp>
namespace hana = boost::hana;
enum class State {
Open, Closed
struct File {
constexpr File(State state) : state_(state) {}
constexpr State state() const { return state_; }
const State state_;
constexpr auto files = hana::make_tuple(File(State::Closed), File(State::Open));
constexpr auto filtered = hana::filter(files, [](const auto& file) {
return file.state() == State::Open;
int main() {
return 0;
In the lambda that you pass to hana::filter
, you have two problems:
parameter is not constexprIntegralConstant
convertible to bool
as is required by hana::filter
.One way to keep your tuple elements constexpr in any context is to wrap them in constexpr lambdas (added in C++17).
The following code addresses both issues:
constexpr auto files = hana::make_tuple(
[]{ return File(State::Closed); }
, []{ return File(State::Open); }
constexpr auto filtered = hana::filter(files, [](auto file) {
return hana::bool_c<file().state() == State::Open>;