Assume f(x) goes to infinity as x tends to infinity and a,b>0. Find the f(x) that yields the lowest order for
as x tends to infinity. By order I mean Big O and Little o notation.
I can only solve it roughly:
My solution: We can say ln(1+f(x)) is approximately equal to ln(f(x)) as x goes to infinity. Then, I have to minimize the order of
Since for any c>0, y+c/y is miminized when y =sqrt(c), b+ln f(x)}=sqrt(ax) is the anwer. Equivalently, f(x)=e^(sqrt(ax)-b) and the lowest order for g(x) is 2 sqrt(ax).
Can you help me obtain a rigorous answer?
The rigorous way to minimize (I should say extremize) a function of another function is to use the Euler-Lagrange relation:
Taylor expansion:
If we only consider up to "constant" terms:
Which is of course the result you obtained.
Next, linear terms:
We can't solve this equation analytically; but we can explore the effect of a perturbation in the function f(x)
(i.e. a small change in parameter to the previous solution). We can obviously ignore any linear changes to f
, but we can add a positive multiplicative factor A
and Af
are obviously both positive, so the RHS has a negative sign. This means that ln(A) < 0
, and thus A < 1
, i.e. the new perturbed function gives a (slightly) tighter bound. Since the RHS must be vanishingly small (1/f
), A
must not be very much smaller than 1.
Going further, we can add another perturbation B
to the exponent of f
Since ln(A)
and the RHS are both vanishing small, the B
-term on LHS must be even smaller for the sign to be consistent.
So we can conclude that (1) A
is very close to 1, (2) B
is much smaller than 1, i.e. the result you obtained is in fact a very good upper bound.
The above also leads to the possibility of even tighter bounds for higher powers of f