I created a simple stepper control that has a limiter.
It seems to work well in general. But if I try to make the limiter ranges from numeric_limits<float>::min()
to numeric_limits<float>::max()
, it doesn't work properly when the value becomes negative.
Here's my full test code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Stepper {
Stepper(float from, float to, float value, float interval){ //limited range
mFrom = from;
mTo = to;
mValue = value;
mInterval = interval;
Stepper(float value, float interval){ //limitless range version
mFrom = numeric_limits<float>::min();
mTo = numeric_limits<float>::max();
mValue = value;
mInterval = interval;
float getCurrentValue() {
return mValue;
float getDecreasedValue() {
if (mFrom < mTo)
mValue -= mInterval;
mValue += mInterval;
mValue = clamp(mValue, min(mFrom, mTo), max(mFrom, mTo));
return mValue;
float getIncreasedValue() {
if (mFrom < mTo)
mValue += mInterval;
mValue -= mInterval;
mValue = clamp(mValue, min(mFrom, mTo), max(mFrom, mTo));
return mValue;
float clamp(float value, float min, float max) {
return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
float mFrom, mTo, mValue, mInterval;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
bool shouldQuit = false;
// Stepper stepper(-3, 3, 0, 1); //this works
Stepper stepper(0, 1); //this doesn't work when the value becomes negative
cout << "step : " << stepper.getCurrentValue() << endl;
while (!shouldQuit) {
string inputStr;
cin >> inputStr;
if (inputStr == "-") //type in '-' decrease the step
cout << "step : " << stepper.getDecreasedValue() << endl;
else if (inputStr == "+") //type in '+' increase the step
cout << "step : " << stepper.getIncreasedValue() << endl;
else if (inputStr == "quit")
shouldQuit = true;
return 0;
My class constructor requires 4 arguments that are
- minimum limited value (this also can be maximum)
- maximum limited value (this also can be minimum)
- initial value
- interval of steps
Also, the constructor can take only 2 arguments that are
- initial value
- interval of steps
This case, the limiter ranges from numeric_limits<float>::min()
to numeric_limits<float>::max()
But in this case, if the value becomes negative, it returns 1.17549e-38
which is the same value as numeric_limits<float>::min()
Is it possible to fix this? Any advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
is the lowest values in the mathematical sense. std::numeric_limits<float>::min()
is only the smallest positive value (greater than zero).
For details, see this question. The naming goes back to C.