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Windows device: get "location" string for a given IMFActivate* of a UVC webcam

When going to Windows' "Device manager" and clicking on (almost) any device in the list one piece of information in the "General" tab is called "Location". That is a string that is either:

  • human-readable, like "on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080"
  • semi-useful, like "Location 0 (Internal High Definition Audio Bus)" or "PCI bus 9, device 0, function 0"
  • a USB location, like "Port_#0004.Hub_#0015" or even a "0009.0000.0000."

That info is available through Windows' Unified device property model APIs.

What I'm looking for is to get that information from a given IMFActivate object.

Is there a way to do so? I can't find how to get "device" info from that activation object. The only piece of data I have is it's "symbolic link" (in my case, this string: \\?\usb#vid_04b4&pid_8888&mi_00#9&4fe28be&0&0000#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global) but that link's format is nothing like the string I see in "Location".

Thus my question: how to get device's "Location" string, given its IMFActivate object?


Here's the code I'm using to "convert" the symbolic link, provided by IMFActivate to a device id string, recognizable by setup-api functions and then extracting the "location string":

CString symLink2Location(const CString & _symLink)
    DEVINST di;
    CString devId = _symLink;
    devId = devId.Left( devId.Find(L"#{") );
    devId.Replace(L"\\\\?\\", L"");
    devId.Replace(L"#", L"\\");
    const auto rc = CM_Locate_DevNodeW(&di, devId.GetBuffer(), CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL);
    if(rc == CR_SUCCESS){
        DEVPROPTYPE dpt;
        ULONG sz = MAX_PATH;
        WCHAR prop[MAX_PATH];
        if(CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(di, &DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo, &dpt, (PBYTE)&prop, &sz, 0) == CR_SUCCESS){
            if(dpt == DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING){
                return prop;
    return L"";


Here are the 3 audio input devices as seen in devmgmt.msc under "Sound, video and game controllers":

  • MS LifeCam Cinema (TM), location: 0000.0014.0000. (symlink: \\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{751fe058-cef2-4d28-bbeb-e438981938d7}#{2eef81be-33fa-4800-9670-1cd474972c3f})
  • MS LifeCam Studio (TM), location: 0000.0014.0000. (symlink: \\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{59267d2e-940b-45f5-8655-45372787bd85}#{2eef81be-33fa-4800-9670-1cd474972c3f})
  • SUB2r USB 3.0 HD Webcam, location: 0009.0000.0000. (symlink: \\?\SWD#MMDEVAPI#{}.{26a4f608-cbd8-4206-b958-d57ee6847153}#{2eef81be-33fa-4800-9670-1cd474972c3f})

All 3 are USB devices, all 3 are listed when calling MFEnumDeviceSources but their "symbolic link" doesn't resolve into a hardware device.


  • the string returned from IMFAttributes::Get[Allocated]String with MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK or MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_AUDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK this is device interface string which we can use as input to CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW. for get location information (if it present) need do 3 steps:

    1. call CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW with DEVPKEY_Device_InstanceId - as result we got device instance identifier of a device
    2. use returned string in call CM_Locate_DevNodeW
    3. and finally call CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW with DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo

    code example:

    CONFIGRET PrintLocation(PCWSTR pszDeviceInterface)
        ULONG cb = 0, rcb = 64;
        static volatile UCHAR guz;
        PVOID stack = alloca(guz);
        DEVPROPTYPE PropertyType;
        CONFIGRET err;
        union {
            PVOID pv;
            PWSTR sz;
            PBYTE pb;
            if (cb < rcb)
                rcb = cb = RtlPointerToOffset(pv = alloca(rcb - cb), stack);
            if (!(err = CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW(pszDeviceInterface, &DEVPKEY_Device_InstanceId, &PropertyType, pb, &rcb, 0)))
                if (PropertyType == DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING)
                    DbgPrint("InstanceId=%S\n", sz);
                    DEVINST dnDevInst;
                    if (!(err = CM_Locate_DevNodeW(&dnDevInst, sz, CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL)))
                            if (cb < rcb)
                                rcb = cb = RtlPointerToOffset(pv = alloca(rcb - cb), stack);
                            if (!(err = CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(dnDevInst, &DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo, &PropertyType, pb, &rcb, 0)))
                                if (PropertyType == DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING)
                                    DbgPrint("Location=%S\n", sz);
                                    err = CR_WRONG_TYPE;
                        } while (err == CR_BUFFER_SMALL);
                    err = CR_WRONG_TYPE;
        } while (err == CR_BUFFER_SMALL);
        return err;

    of course if hardcode buffer size, function can make more simply

    CONFIGRET PrintLocationSimp(PCWSTR pszDeviceInterface)
        WCHAR buf[1024];
        DEVPROPTYPE PropertyType;
        ULONG BufferSize = sizeof(buf);
        CONFIGRET err;
        if (!(err = CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW(pszDeviceInterface, &DEVPKEY_Device_InstanceId, &PropertyType, (PBYTE)buf, &BufferSize, 0)))
            if (PropertyType == DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING)
                DbgPrint("InstanceId=%S\n", buf);
                DEVINST dnDevInst;
                if (!(err = CM_Locate_DevNodeW(&dnDevInst, buf, CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL)))
                    BufferSize = sizeof(buf);
                    if (!(err = CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(dnDevInst, &DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo, &PropertyType, (PBYTE)buf, &BufferSize, 0)))
                        if (PropertyType == DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING)
                            DbgPrint("Location=%S\n", buf);
                            err = CR_WRONG_TYPE;
                err = CR_WRONG_TYPE;
        return err;

    and for IMFActivate we can use next code:

    void mftest()
        IMFAttributes *pAttributes;
        if (SUCCEEDED(MFCreateAttributes(&pAttributes, 1)))
            UINT32 count, cchLength;
            IMFActivate **ppDevices, *pDevice;
            if (SUCCEEDED(pAttributes->SetGUID(
                SUCCEEDED(MFEnumDeviceSources(pAttributes, &ppDevices, &count)) &&
                PVOID pv = ppDevices;
                    pDevice = *ppDevices++;
                    PWSTR pszDeviceInterface;
                    if (SUCCEEDED(pDevice->GetAllocatedString(
                        MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK, &pszDeviceInterface, &cchLength)))
                        DbgPrint("%S\n", pszDeviceInterface);
                } while (--count);