I have a table called Test
ID | Name
1 | ABC
2 | XYZ
3 | LMN
4 | JHF
I want to select top 2 rows which I can do it easily
select top(2) * from test.
But what I want to achieve is when I run the same query again it will show me the next 2 records.
Every time I run the same query it will give me the next 2 results.
I am working with SQL Server 2000, so I cannot use row_number()
and offset
and fetch
So is there any way we can use it in SQL Server 2000?
You might require to simulate Row_Number() using subquery as below:
Select (Select count(*) from #Names n
where n.[name] <= oq.[name] ) as RowN, Id, [Name]
from #names oq
And pass appropriate two numbers on every pass from client
With this above query you can generate/simulate Row_Number based on Name as below:
| RowN | Id | Name |
| 1 | 1 | ABC |
| 2 | 4 | JHF |
| 3 | 3 | LMN |
| 4 | 2 | XYZ |
On each client pass send start number and end number from client and apply in where condition in RowN.