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Where to put bash completion scripts

I have implemented some perl scripts and in some cases i have to pass some command line args into my program.Usability perspective i have decided to add some bash completion script into my project.But now i am stuck on where to put my script to work it as expected.Please let me know where can i put my bash completion script

Custom Perl Scripts location


also add bin path to the system variable.

I have put my auto complete scripts in


Bash Completion Script

    local cur prev opts
    opts="--help --verbose --version"

    if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then
        COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
        return 0
complete -F _foo ktools

Command should be auto suggested when user type ktools -- + press tab in command line or git bash.


  • I'm pretty sure you need to source it into your .bashrc (basically include it).

    Open ~/.bashrc and write (you might need to create it if it doesn't exists)

    source your_bash_file

    Then, in your terminal, "refresh" by doing

    source ~/.bashrc

    and it should work.