I'm having a custom Static Error Logging method, as specified in the following link http://www.bbminfo.com/Tutor/php_error_error_log.php I executed the code as mentioned in the tutorial, I'm getting the output as expected. But now I moved the error handing method to a class and I made it as Static. I facing an issue its not working
class ErrorHandling {
/* Error Handling Function */
public static function bbmNotice($errNo, $errStr, $errFile, $errLine) {
$error_msg = "Custom PHP Notice : " . $errNo . "\n";
$error_msg .= "Message : " . $errStr . "\n";
$error_msg .= "Location : " . $errFile . "\n";
$error_msg .= "Line Number : " . $errLine . "\n";
/* Error Logging in General error_log File*/
error_log($error_msg, 0);
/* Error Handler Fixing */
set_error_handler("bbmNotice", E_USER_NOTICE);
/* Undefined Variable: $str */
if(isset($str)) {
echo $str ;
} else {
trigger_error("Variable 'str' is not defined, Kindly define the variable 'str' before usage.", E_USER_NOTICE);
I'm getting the following error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'set_error_handler' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /home2/bbminfon/public_html/error.php on line 17
Kindly assist me how to log the error in this setup.
The parse error occurs because you are trying register a function as error handler, but actually want to register a class method.
Register the error handler like this instead:
class ErrorHandling
/* Error Handling Function */
public static function bbmNotice($errNo, $errStr, $errFile, $errLine)
$error_msg = "Custom PHP Notice : " . $errNo . "\n";
$error_msg .= "Message : " . $errStr . "\n";
$error_msg .= "Location : " . $errFile . "\n";
$error_msg .= "Line Number : " . $errLine . "\n";
/* Error Logging in General error_log File*/
error_log($error_msg, 0);
set_error_handler("ErrorHandling::bbmNotice", E_USER_NOTICE);
For reference, see: