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Laravel Spark: How to turn on Team Billing?

Is there known science for turning on Team Billing in Laravel Spark?

That is, if you want to use Laravel Spark's team billing features, you need to create your project with the team-billing option.

However, (hypothetically, he lied) if you didn't create your project with the --team-billing flag and suddenly needed the team billing features, is there a way to turn this on?

If not, is there a document list of the files you'd need to change?

I realize I could generate two new fresh projects, one with team billing and one without, and then diff the resulting projects to do this myself, but that seems an error prone route. I'd like to know if there's known science for this before heading down that path.


  • I investigated this one a bit on my own and have a solution that works as of July 14, 2017. This may change in a future Spark update, so YMMV. See below for the best way to check the difference between systems.

    Enabling Team Billing

    First, as mentioned elsewhere, you'll need to add the Laravel\Spark\CanJoinTeams trait to your App\User class.

    #File: app/User.php
    use Laravel\Spark\CanJoinTeams;
    use Laravel\Spark\User as SparkUser;
    class User extends SparkUser
        use CanJoinTeams;
        /* ... */

    Second, you'll need to add team plans (instead of individual plans) in your spark provider. i.e. these defaults.

    #File: app/Providers/SparkServiceProvider.php
    public function booted()
                'First', 'Second', 'Third'
        Spark::plan('Basic', 'provider-id-1')
                'First', 'Second', 'Third'

    Need to be

    public function booted()
                'First', 'Second', 'Third'
        Spark::teamPlan('Basic', 'provider-id-1')
                'First', 'Second', 'Third'

    for team plans. Also, if it's not obvious, you can have both individual plans and team plans for a system at the same time.

    Diff-ing Spark Versions

    If you're coming here years later and you want to see what's needed in your version of Spark, here's the best way I found to do it.

    First, create a Spark project with team billing

    spark new project-name --team-billing

    and then rename the project-name folder to something like with-team-billing

    mv project-name with-team-billing

    Then, do the same for a project without team billing

    spark new project-name --team-billing    
    mv project-name without-team-billing

    Then, recursivly diff the two folders with your favorite diff commands

    diff -r with-team-billing without-team-bill    
    bbdiff with-team-billing without-team-bill    

    Creating both projects with the same name is important, as a number of node/npm files get generated with cached file path values. They're irrelevant to our goals, and only clutter up the diff results.