A little question to jinja2 templating: I want to create a reusable template to include and then overwrite blocks. Macros do not let me write junks of HTML easily as parameters do they? Say I want to reuse an include several times and am using BIG junks of HTML in blocks that I want to dynamically assign how would I do it?
certainly not with macros I guess, or am I wrong?
{% render_foo('bar',2) %}
is fine
{% render_foo('<table><tr><th>something</th><th>somethingelse</th></tr><tbody><tr>....etc') %}
is not fine any more is it
"what do you really want to do?"
yes, what I told you, I have a way I create containers for my data. The container is ALWAYS the same. The content is completely different on each usage. Once a table. Once a bootstrap component. Once a form.
The surrounding elements are always the same
to reproduce the simple error this is what I did:
{% include 'full_section.html' %}
{% block fullsection %} <table><tr><th>something</th><th>somethingelse</th></tr><tbody><tr>....etc{% endblock %}
{% include 'full_section.html' %}
{% block fullsection %} <form>//some cool LONG big form </form>{% endblock %}
contents just for completeness, it is a lot more complex in reality
<div class="my_cool_full_section">
{% block full_section %}{% endblock %}
TemplateAssertionError: block 'fullsection' defined twice
I found the answer well hidden in the jinja2 docs
so you use a macro and a block assignment e.g. like this:
{% set section_content %}
<table><tr><td>etc</td> <td>etc</td> <td>etc</td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td>etc</td> <td>etc</td> <td>etc</td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td>etc</td> <td>etc</td> <td>etc</td></tr></table>
{% endset %}
{{ render_full_size_section(section_content) }}
{% set section_content %}
{% endset %}
{{ render_full_size_section(section_content) }}
wonder what they were doing pre 2.8... dark dark middle age
then in the macro:
{% macro render_full_size_section(content) %}
<div class="mycoolsection">
{{ content | safe }}
{% endmacro %}