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Is it possible to perform a nexus 2 to nexus 3 migration multiple times?

We have a nexus 2 to nexus 3 migration being done and we have A LOT of objects in our nexus 2 so the migration is somewhat slow even with the hardlink process.

The nexus documentation:

Has this blurb:

Using an existing installation of Nexus Repository Manager 3 populated with data and configuration as the target repository manager incurs restrictions that make the upgrade more complex and potentially requires re-configuring the version 2 instance prior to the upgrade as well as re-configuring Nexus Repository Manager 3 after the upgrade.

I'm hoping to minimize downtime so was thinking we'd do the initial migration once on a backup snapshot, then lock down access to the existing Nexus 2 server, re-sync the snapshot to the latest data and then do the migration a second time (with the hopes that the second migration should be faster since)

  1. Is this possible?
  2. If so, will this actually decrease the downtime or will it attempt to reprocess the same files again?

The blurb is not entirely clear what makes this more complex and why it requires re-configuring the version 2 instance.


  • It might be possible but it is not really supported. The upgrade is incremental and can be done while the app is still running and serving users and continues to sync content. As such you can minimize downtime already.