Let's say I have this directory structure:
project_root | +--parent | +--child | +--baby_brother
is a new directory, untracked by git. I also have lots of changes to the files in child
. I needed temporary access to the previous versions of the files in child
, so I figured I'd just stash my changes:
cd $project_root/parent/child
git stash push .
Then later:
cd $project_root/parent/child
git stash pop
Now, much to my dismay, baby_brother
is missing, along with a week's worth of work. :-(
I have two questions:
Is there any way to get my files back? I suspect the answer is "no".
Is this a bug, or did I do something wrong?
I've seen an SO question that says it's expected behavior for git to delete untracked files, but for one, it also says this was fixed in (I'm using 2.13.0), and for two, I expected the stash only to affect child
, since I was in that directory and included a dot at the end of the command to reference the current directory.
Here is a quick repro that demonstrates the problem:
1 ~ % mkdir project_root 2 ~ % cd project_root 3 project_root % mkdir parent 4 project_root % touch parent/file 5 project_root % mkdir parent/child 6 project_root % touch parent/child/file2 7 project_root % git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/pdaddy/project_root/.git/ 8 project_root % git add . 9 project_root % git commit -m 'Get it in git' [master (root-commit) 2d0872c] Get it in git 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 parent/child/file2 create mode 100644 parent/file 10 project_root % mkdir parent/baby_brother 11 project_root % touch parent/baby_brother/file3 12 project_root % touch parent/file4 13 project_root % touch file5 14 project_root % comment="As it turns out, file4 and file5 will be deleted, too." 15 project_root % tree $PWD /home/pdaddy/project_root |-- file5 `-- parent |-- baby_brother | `-- file3 |-- child | `-- file2 |-- file `-- file4 3 directories, 3 files 16 project_root % echo 'some changes' >> parent/child/file2 17 project_root % cd parent/child 18 child % git stash push . Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 2d0872c Get it in git 19 project_root % tree ~/project_root /home/pdaddy/project_root `-- parent |-- child | `-- file2 `-- file 2 directories, 2 files 20 child % git stash pop On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: file2 no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") Dropped refs/stash@{0} (80e41d0ed1f2b0a085d4f5ca3a38833a18873f98) 21 child % tree ~/project_root /home/pdaddy/project_root `-- parent |-- child | `-- file2 `-- file 2 directories, 2 files
I tested my repro example with git's next branch (v2.14.0.rc0), and the problem didn't present itself, so I guess this is a bug, and someone has committed a fix.