I have (for exercise) to create a server, to handle client connections. The subject talk about C programming, but I already did it. Id'like to do it again with node js. I don't need a http server, just a simple module which handle raw cmd. The protocol is given within the subject, and I will implement the logic of my app by my side. I am just new in node js programming, and its a light subject (about 5-6 commands). Do you know where I can start? Name/doc of a simple module, or just the minimalist code to handle client connection/command reading? (Cmds are simple strings, followed by \n). I've searched inside npm website, but I just find http's server or something more elaborate, and I don't need so much feature. Just connections, commands in raw format and some events to handle nicely things like connection losts, read wich failed, etc...
I missed this documentation page: Net module
Thank you all!