We're trying to use PowerShell as a file-replication tool, but having an issue.
The source server is a Linux-based closed OS, where users, through a GUI, create multiple network shares, which are then accessible by the UNC path \\SERVERNAME\NETWORKSHARE
. In the OS, of course, the NETWORKSHARE is actually located multiple levels deeper than the root.
We've talked to the developer of the OS, and they cannot/will not enable access to the root of the folder where all the NETWORKSHARE folders are stored.
I've turned to PowerShell to try and find a way. My initial thinking was to send a Get-ChildItem -Directory
to grab all the NETWORKSHARES, and then pipe that to Copy-Item/Robocopy
, but it doesn't work.
I know the server needs their own local (non-AD) credentials.
Is there a way to do what I want to do that I'm just not seeing ?
Thanks in advance!
The net view
command with an IP will enumerate accessible SMB/Samba shares.
This PowerShell script parses the output and returns a [PSCustomObject]
with Server and Share properties.
## Enum-SambaShares.ps1
$ServerList = ('','','','')
$ServerShares = ForEach ($Server in $ServerList) {
net view "\\$Server" 2>$Null | Select-String '^([^ ]+)\s+(Disk|Platte)' |
ForEach-Object {
Server = $Server
Share = $_.matches.groups[1].Value
Sample output:
Server Share
------ ----- Backup Daten Video-Unc SambaShare UserName C McDaten Music UserName