I'm using mergeForm to display a form and then another merged into it.
The form I'm editting is the admin module for Article with a ContentItemForm merged.
Schema in simple terms is:
In my ArticleForm I have the following:
public function configure()
$this->mergeForm(new ContentItemForm(ContentItemPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getObject()->getId())));
public function save($con = null)
return $this->object;
protected function updateContentItem()
// update content item
if (!is_null($article_content = $this->getContentItem()))
$values = $this->getValues();
if ( $article_content->isNew() )
$values['article_id'] = $this->object->getId();
$article_content->fromArray($values, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
protected function getContentItem()
if (!$this->object->getContentItem())
return new ContentItem();
return $this->object->getContentItem();
In the admin, this merges the form and i see the contentItemForm and it's fields. is_comment is a boolean value and therefore displays a checkbox. When I have it checked, it is suppoed to update the is_comment field in the content_item table to 1, unchecked and saved, should be 0.
Unfortunately, this isn't working. The is_comment field is never updated.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Have you set a relation between Article and ContentItem? Then you shouldn't have to do anything specific in the save() method.