$tablae = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM order_history where (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "' GROUP BY user_id");
while ($order = mysql_fetch_array($tablae)) {
$tablaes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members where id='$order[user_id]'");
$user = mysql_fetch_array($tablaes);
$rPaid=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`price`) AS total FROM order_history WHERE (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "'");
$hdPaid = mysql_fetch_array($rPaid);
$sPaid=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`price`) AS total FROM order_history WHERE user_id='$idsd' AND (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "'");
while ($hPaid = mysql_fetch_array($sPaid)) {
<? } ?>
This gets me this result http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14384295/test.jpeg
I want to order the price totals by DESC.
I would need
$sPaid=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`price`) AS total FROM order_history WHERE user_id='$idsd' AND (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "'");
the total on that to be ordered by DESC.
You could either use client side sorting with javascript, there are some nice jQuery addons that can do that.
Or you have to totaly rewrite your code to have a single sql using joins and group by.
But I cannot realy follow the logic with $rPaid, $hPaid and $sPaid so I cannot help you there.