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Attempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the 'BizTalk' provider failed

I'm getting the error:

"Attempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the 'BizTalk' provider failed.".

I got this working on our BizTalk Dev system several months ago; just installed the Production server today, and getting the error.

Using BizTalk 2016 on Win 2012.

I ran the command:


and I'm using PowerShell 4 in 32-bit mode:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\myusername> get-pssnapin -registered

Name        : BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions
PSVersion   : 4.0
Description : Windows PowerShell CmdLets and Provider for Microsoft Biztalk Server

Name        : WDeploySnapin3.0
PSVersion   : 2.0
Description : This is a PowerShell snap-in that contains cmdlets for managing Microsoft Web Deployment infrastructure.

PS C:\Users\myusername> Add-PSSnapIn -Name BiztalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions
Attempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the 'BizTalk' provider failed.
PS C:\Users\myusername> Add-PSSnapIn -Name BiztalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions
PS C:\Users\myusername> Get-ExecutionPolicy


  • In my Development environment, BizTalk and SQL were on the same sever, but in Production environment, they are on different servers.

    Apparently if on different servers, you have to add this line:

    New-PSDrive -Name BizTalk -Root BizTalk:\ -PsProvider BizTalk -Instance MySqlServer -Database BizTalkMgmtDb

    Just replace "MySqlServer" with your server name.

    Got the idea/solution here: Installing the BizTalkFactory PowerShell Provider on BizTalk 2013, where he talks about creating a Profile.ps1 file. Or possibly I created that Profile.ps1 in Dev, and just forgot about it; checking on that now.