My code is meant to convert .csv files to .shp files. I do not recieve any error messages, and a .shp, .shx, and .dbf file are created for each .csv. However, when I open up the .dbf files, all of them are duplicates of the .dbf created for the first .csv.
Here is my code:
import glob
import csv
import shapefile as shp
Lon, Lat, Count = [],[],[]
for filename in glob.glob('C:/Users/brownk98/Downloads/GLM/Headers/*.csv'):
revFilename =
filename.replace('C:/Users/brownk98/Downloads/GLM/Headers\\*.csv', "")
rev2Filename = revFilename.replace(".csv", "")
out_file = rev2Filename + '_temp.shp'
with open(rev2Filename + '.csv') as f:
r = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
#for i,row in enumerate(r):
for row in r:
#if i > 0: #skip header
w = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
w.autoBalance = 1 #ensures gemoetry and attributes match
w.field('Lon', "F",10,10)
for j,k in enumerate(Lat):
w.point(Lon[j],Lat[j]) #write the geometry
w.record(Lon[j], Lat[j], Count[j]) #write the attributes
Example of the Duplicates: First File
Lon Lat Count
-135.0000000000 0.0000000000 13320
-135.1523800000 0.3345030000 3
-135.3058900000 0.6699620000 9
-135.4605200000 1.0063680000 61
-135.6163000000 1.3437130000 99
-135.7732400000 1.6819870000 31
Second File(all other files look like this as well)
Lon Lat Count
-135.0000000000 0.0000000000 13320
-135.1523800000 0.3345030000 3
-135.3058900000 0.6699620000 9
-135.4605200000 1.0063680000 61
-135.6163000000 1.3437130000 99
-135.7732400000 1.6819870000 31
File two should have different counts for the lon, lats than file one, but my code just seems to be copying the counts from the first file into all the subsequent files. How can I fix this? Any help would be appreciated!
Question: ... seems to be copying the counts from the first file into all the subsequent files ...
You have to initalize Lon, Lat, Count = [],[],[]
for every File.
Change the following:
for filename in glob.glob('C:/Users/brownk98/Downloads/GLM/Headers/*.csv'):
with open(rev2Filename + '.csv') as f:
r = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
Lon, Lat, Count = [],[],[]
for row in r: