I am starting with Artery, while I already did some OMNET++ work some time ago. I have 3 very short questions :)
- The first thing I notice, as far as I understand, is that Artery
builds using cmake. So, to build it, every time I must switch to a
console, am I right? In fact, it builds ok for me.
- However, this prevents me from debugging in OMNET++, am I right? I
know I can debug in console using gdb.
- Finally, it seems the omnetpp.ini does not recognize several of its
entries, even if it considers them when running make run_example!
Please see the following image. This, of course, is unconvenient
since it disables the code completion for omnetpp.ini and it's
unpractical to see if the syntax the changes I want to apply to the
simulation are ok.

So, please tell me if my assumptions in 1 and 2 are right and also how can I see my entries in omnetpp.ini recognized as in question 3! :)
Have a really nice day!