I want to plot a 3D function in Maxima/WxMaxima:
u^2 - v^2
Using the manuals I put:
plot3d (u^2 - v^2, [u, -2, 2], [v, -3, 3], [grid, 100, 100],
and this is what I get:
but I just want to get the positive values Z>0 . how can I set the range for Z?
This is strange that I can't find this anywhere in the documentation, because Maxima uses GnuPlot as a backend for plotting and there one can just easily set the zrange:
set zrange [0.0:5.0]
Use gnuplot_preamble
plot3d (u^2 - v^2, [u, -2, 2], [v, -3, 3], [grid, 100, 100],
[mesh_lines_color,false], [gnuplot_preamble, "set zrange [0.0:5.0];"]);
Or you can just add z limits:
plot3d (u^2 - v^2, [u, -2, 2], [v, -3, 3], [z, 0, 5], [grid, 100, 100],