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Pytrends Error Caused by Lack of Data

I am using the pytrends related_queries() function to find related keywords for a list of keywords but if one of the keywords doesn't have enough data to provide related queries the process crashes with the error:

KeyError: "[u'query' u'value'] not in index"

After the error has occurred the code won't work for any keyword until I shut down and restart the Kernel so I haven't had any success in trying to catch the error. An example that doesn't work is:

pytrend.build_payload(kw_list=['AMX HOME AUTOMATION'])
Related_df = pytrend.related_queries()


  • I was able to catch the error by re-establishing the connection for every iteration, it's inefficient but got the Job done:

    r = pd.DataFrame()
    s = pd.DataFrame()
    for i in listofwords:
            pytrend = TrendReq(google_username, google_password, custom_useragent='Pytrends')
            Related_df = pytrend.related_queries()
            s = s.append(Related_df[i]['top'].head(3))
            r = r.append(Related_df[i]['rising']['query'].head(3))