Tying to implement side menu for Xamarin.iOS
app, but got warning in console:
mvx:Warning: 0.25 No sidemenu found. To use a sidemenu decorate the viewcontroller class with the 'MvxPanelPresentationAttribute' class and set the panel to 'Left' or 'Right'.
1) Create base class for menu (from sample)
public class BaseMenuViewController<T> : MvxViewController<T>, IMvxSidebarMenu where T : class, IMvxViewModel
public virtual UIImage MenuButtonImage => UIImage.FromBundle("burger");
public virtual bool AnimateMenu => true;
public virtual float DarkOverlayAlpha => 0;
public virtual bool HasDarkOverlay => false;
public virtual bool HasShadowing => true;
public virtual bool DisablePanGesture => false;
public virtual bool ReopenOnRotate => true;
private int MaxMenuWidth = 300;
private int MinSpaceRightOfTheMenu = 55;
public int MenuWidth => UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ?
int.Parse(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width.ToString()) - MinSpaceRightOfTheMenu : MaxMenuWidth;
private bool UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone
get { return UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone; }
public virtual void MenuWillOpen()
public virtual void MenuDidOpen()
public virtual void MenuWillClose()
public virtual void MenuDidClose()
2) Implement VisibleView (First one that will be visible)
[MvxSidebarPresentation(MvxPanelEnum.Center, MvxPanelHintType.ResetRoot, true)]
public partial class ContentViewController : MvxViewController<ContentViewModel>
public ContentViewController()
: base("ContentViewController", null)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Purple;
3) Implement MenuElementViewController (SideMenu)
[MvxSidebarPresentation(MvxPanelEnum.Left, MvxPanelHintType.PushPanel, false)]
public class MenuViewController : BaseMenuViewController<MenuViewModel>
public override void ViewDidLoad()
this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
4) Add presenter for SideMenu in Setup
protected override IMvxIosViewPresenter CreatePresenter()
return new MvxSidebarPresenter((MvxApplicationDelegate)ApplicationDelegate, Window);
Expected behavior
Should see controller from point 1 with burger button
Actual behavior
Controller from point1 become visible but without burger button, Controller from point2 not initialized, Warning in console about missed decoration for class, but as u see they are present (also warnings deprecated and need to be updated - check source code - searching done for correct type, but warning has old message )
MvvmCross v 5.0.6
Also saw this post while looking for error - recheck and looks like everything is fine, but not work.
Warning log:
mvx:Diagnostic: 0.21 Setup: Secondary end
mvx:Diagnostic: 0.21 Showing ViewModel ContentViewModel iOSNavigation:Diagnostic: 0.21 Navigate requested
mvx:Warning: 0.23 No sidemenu found. To use a sidemenu decorate the viewcontroller class with the 'MvxPanelPresentationAttribute' class and set the panel to 'Left' or 'Right'.
I also expect to see breakPoint stop in ViewDidload
for MenuViewController
when call this.ViewModel.Show<MenuViewModel>();
but it's never triggered, in same moment model for this controller created.
Can someone advice what was done incorrect?
I was able to setup new empty project with sidebar and it's work as expected. But same code not work in my current projects - I don't know why decorated attributes are not read as expected....
Spend 2 days to figure out the reason - the issue related to detection and parsing decorator attributes.
I have few projects that share codebase between each other, and due to some reason
[MvxSidebarPresentation(MvxPanelEnum.Left, MvxPanelHintType.PushPanel, false)]
is not taken in to account if it placed in shared project but not in project itself. In same moment
[MvxSidebarPresentation(MvxPanelEnum.Center, MvxPanelHintType.ResetRoot, true)]
[MvxSidebarPresentation(MvxPanelEnum.Center, MvxPanelHintType.ResetRoot, true, MvxSplitViewBehaviour.Master)]
[MvxSidebarPresentation(MvxPanelEnum.Center, MvxPanelHintType.PushPanel, true, MvxSplitViewBehaviour.Detail)]
works as expected.
Workaround -> subclass shared menuClass (with MvxPanelEnum.Left
) in each project where it should be used.
Not sure if this issue related to mvvmCross lib or to Xamarin.