I have a NumberFormatter
(called currencyFormatter
) which is configured to convert a String
, such as "£1,000" to the NSDecimalNumber
1000 using the following code:
// Configuration
let currencyFormatter = NumberFormatter()
currencyFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
currencyFormatter.currencyCode = "GBP"
// Usage
currencyFormatter.number(from: "£1,000")
If I omit the commas from the string the conversion still works but, if the commas as misplaced ("£10,00" for example), the method fails, returning nil.
While I could remove all the commas, this would cause issues in locales which use a comma as the decimal separator and the period in place of the comma.
Is there a safe way I can loosen the requirements of the thousands-separator (commas, periods or whatever character any other currency might use) placement in the NumberFormatter
slightly but without allowing unreasonable conversion?
Many thanks in advance.
If your intention is to be lenient on the placements of the grouping
separator (which can be a comma or a period, depending on the locale)
then you could remove the formatters currencyGroupingSeparator
from the input string instead of a hard-coded comma:
var input = "£10,00"
if let sep = currencyFormatter.currencyGroupingSeparator {
input = input.replacingOccurrences(of: sep, with: "")