In my graph I have the following assertions
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
:joesmith a foaf:Person ;
foaf:givenname "Joe" ;
foaf:family_name "Smith" ;
foaf:homepage <> ;
foaf:mbox <> .
I loaded the graph in GraphDB.
If I point the GraphDB's Visual Graph to :joesmith
, I would like to see all the triples but I see this graph
and foaf:family_name
are not shown in the graph but they are in node details tab, and it's ok.
Instead the node
is not connected to :joesmith
. It seems pretty wired, since there is an explicit assertion belonging to :joesmith
Is this a bug or a problem in my data?
This is definitely a bug. This bug affects Visual Graph functionality only. In the SPARQL results view, everything is fine.
The problem seems to be complex. There are two factors:
This namespace —
— is hardcoded somewhere.
This namespace is not proceeded correctly.
Let us consider the following examples.
Before each example, clear your repository and delete prefixes created in Setup > Namespaces.
Case 1
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
:joesmith a foaf:Person ;
foaf:givenname "Joe" ;
foaf:family_name "Smith" ;
foaf:homepage <> ;
foaf:mbox <> .
As you have pointed out, <>
is not shown.
Case 2
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foo: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
:joesmith a foo:Person ;
foo:givenname "Joe" ;
foo:family_name "Smith" ;
foo:homepage <> ;
foo:mbox <> .
In this case, <>
is not shown.
Case 3
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
:joesmith a foaf:Person ;
foaf:givenname "Joe" ;
foaf:family_name "Smith" ;
foaf:homepage <> ;
foaf:mbox <> .
In this case, <>
is shown.
Case 4
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
:joesmith a foaf:Person ;
foaf:givenname "Joe" ;
foaf:family_name "Smith" ;
foaf:homepage <> ;
foaf:mbox <> .
In this case, <>
is shown.
I'll try to contact their support team directly by sending email.
They say there are four kinds of RDF terms:
From GraphDB query logs, one can ascertain what URIs are of the fourth kind.
BIND (strstarts(str(?p), "") ||
strstarts(str(?p), "") AS ?isMeta)
FILTER(!strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& !strstarts(str(?p), "")
&& ?p != <>;
&& ?p != <>;
&& ?p != <>;
&& ?p != <>;
&& ?p != <>;
&& ?p != <>;
&& ?p != <>;
In GraphDB 8.3, it was fixed in some way:
GDB-2076 - Visual graph: consistent handling of foaf/dbpedia predicates that point to IRIs but are treated as literals