I have a rather large Eclipse 4.6.3 workspace with many Java EE 7 and E4 projects in it. Since some time (I think since I switched from Glassfish to JBoss/Wildfly) editing became quite a challenge. As soon as I type some background process is doing some work (CPU load between 10 and 25%) for and blocks the editing. After some seconds (sometimes even up to a minute) CPU load is back to zero.
How can I find out which background tasks are being executed? I have the progress window open but none are shown. Sometimes, I see that the editor tries to sync its views or that there's 'as you type JBT validation). I suspect, however, that these reported tasks, too, are slowed down by whatever is secretly industrious.
I have this issue on different machines, all of them fairly good ones. I have tried many things already such as closing a third of all projects, deactivating window syncing, starting eclipse with -clean or even -resetPersistedState, updating Eclipse components...
Thanks for any hints! gufi
One of my colleagues (probably) found the source of the problem:
During editing any of the bean classes Eclipse synchronizes the deployment descriptor in the project explorer. As the project contains >100 beans this takes some time and freezes my editing.
Resolution: In the project eplorer's view menu choose 'customize view', then on the content tab unselect the extensions that care about the deployment descriptor. These are the ones I chose:
Kind regards gufi