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Grails validateable not work for non-persistent domain class

I followed the instruction here:

and added into config.groovy:

grails.validateable.classes = [liningtest.Warm']

Then added in src/groovy/Warm.groovy (it's a non-persistent domain class):

package liningtest

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.Validateable

class Warm {
  String name;
  int happyCite;

  Warm(String n, int h) { = n;
    this.happyCite = h;

  static constraints = {
    name(size: 1..50)
    happyCite(min: 100)

But it just doesn't work (both "blank false" & "size: 0..25") for the "hasErrors" function. It always returns false, even when the name is > 25.

Is this a Grails bug, if yes, is there any work-around?

I'm using Grails 1.3.3

UPDATE: I have updated the simplified code. And now I know that constraint "size" can't be used with "blank", but still does not work.

My test class in test/unit/liningtest/WarmTests.groovy

package liningtest

import grails.test.*

class WarmTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
  protected void setUp() {

  protected void tearDown() {

  void testSomething() {
    def w = new Warm('Hihi', 3)
    assert (w.happyCite == 3)

    assert (w.hasErrors() == true)

And the error I got:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<testsuite errors="1" failures="0" hostname="evolus-50b0002c" name="liningtest.WarmTests" tests="1" time="0.062" timestamp="2010-12-16T04:07:47">
  <properties />
  <testcase classname="liningtest.WarmTests" name="testSomething" time="0.062">
    <error message="No signature of method: liningtest.Warm.hasErrors() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: hashCode()" type="groovy.lang.MissingMethodException">groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: liningtest.Warm.hasErrors() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: hashCode()
    at liningtest.WarmTests.testSomething(WarmTests.groovy:18)
  <system-out><![CDATA[--Output from testSomething--
  <system-err><![CDATA[--Output from testSomething--

UPDATE 2: When I don't use Unit test, but try to call hasErrors in the controller, it runs but return false value. (hasErrors return false with Warm('Hihi', 3) ). Does anyone has a clue?

UPDATE 3: I followed Victor way, and now the problem is solved if I call validate() before hasErrors(). But I still don't understand, why "grails generate-all" controllers doesn't have to call validate() before using hasErrors()?


  • You really need to call validate() before - it will trigger validation and change object state. Looking at ValidationGrailsPlugin.addValidationMethods(), I see that hasErrors() is a read-only method.

    Your sample worked for me after calling validate(). I tried in grails console (great tool, I highly recommend it!):

    Warm w = new Warm('')
    w.hasErrors() // 'Result: false'
    w.hasErrors() // 'Result: true'

    I added @Validateable to Warm class. I believe it makes no difference.