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Charles map remote stuck

I used "map remote" in Charles 4.2.1 using a proxy to an iPhone SE iOS9.3.2. After doing what I had to do, I removed the "map remote" with not success.

The URL is still mapped to a remote URL and it is frustrating as I can't any longer go to the actual URL.

So far, I tried:

  1. removing the map through tools > map remote.
  2. removing ALL maps through tools > map remote.
  3. uncheck the "enable map remote" in tools > map remote.
  4. remove the proxy + quit Charles + restart the device.

Nothing seems to help, it is like the URL is forever bound to the new URL.

So, is there a way to fully reset/restore/clear/clean any remote mappings created with Charles, other than the obvious tools > map remote?


  • CharlesProxy acts as a proxy when performing remote maps (instead of sending 301 to your browser that would be cached), so I guess the only reasonable explanation to your issue is that your browser has cached the URL's content. Have you tried clearing your phone's browser cache?