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Ant Ftp task unable to send file to remote machine

Hi im trying to send a file to a remote machine using ant FTP task . The code looks like this

<ftp server="rbhanu"
     <fileset dir="./ragz"/>

where rbhanu is the name of the host. I am trying to send an ear file present inside ragz folder to C drive of rbhanu(remote machine) its generating the following error

error during FTP transfer: Connection refused: connect

Note: I included all the libraries related to ftp task its not the problem because i can send files to ftp server but unable to send files to remote machine

I greatly appreciate if any one could figure it out


  • Connection refused:connect implies that there is no FTP server running on the specified destination.

    Can you try the same directly, i.e. without using the ant task and see if that works?