One of my old app version is rejected by apple saying, Additional Information Needed
that "Can you please specify, what feature of the app uses iTunes File Sharing?". Then I convinced them through my replies and successfully released the app.
Now with my latest release again I met a similar situation, so I would like to go through my old Resolution Centre communications
. Can anyone help me to get through this?
Note: After my research I found there is an option in iTunes-Connect to get the history of the veriosn status.
MyApp -> Activity -> App Store Version
above steps will list all the versions of the app, By expanding it will list all the status of the version which that gone through. I can see there is the status 'Metadata Rejected'
but there is no link that direct to Resolution Centre conversation
So can anyone help me to find where is the history of Resolution Centre communications?
Not sure if it's the case for everyone, but I could check the Resolution Center messages by clicking on the "Resolution Center" link at the bottom of the App's version details page.
This is on the Additional Information section, below the Version Release section.