I want to get some statistics about the job I'm running on my pool, and for that I am trying to use the JobStatistics class, but I have been getting job.Statistics as null in most of my runs except for few where the result was magically not null. I read in a documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.batch.cloudjob.statistics?view=azurebatch-6.1.0#Microsoft_Azure_Batch_CloudJob_Statistics) that for the statistics results not to be null, I need to use an expand clause with DetailLevel, but each time I do, I get the error: "operation returned an invalid status code 'badrequest' ". This is what I have for that.
ODATADetailLevel detailExJob = new ODATADetailLevel();
detailExJob.SelectClause = "id,executionInfo,stats";
detailExJob.ExpandClause = "id,executionInfo,stats";
await job.RefreshAsync(detailExJob);
What am I missing here? How can I get job.Statistics not to be null?
I'll try to answer your question, but it looks like you have two separate issues.
. If you modify your detailExJob.ExpandClause
statement to be assigned just "stats"
, then your job query should work. Moreover, you can simplify your detail level object to omit the expand clause altogether since you specified stats
in the select clause.