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multiple Access queries using same criteria

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I have a table QAQC_Studies that includes titles, dates, and subject matter I have another table QAQC_Publications that includes citation information for multiple publications resulting from a single study in the first table.

Every 3 months I need to create a report to QC studies added by coworkers so I run the following query (with some additional attributes removed for brevity). The where clause is a list of study IDs they provide me (often 15-20 different studies).

SELECT QAQC_Studies.StudiesID, 

WHERE [QAQC_Studies].[StudiesID]=26806 or 26845

I'd like to add to that report a list of the publications associated with each study.

How do I write the Where clause in the second query to reference those studies indicated in the first query?


  • You can use a subquery. Something like:

    SELECT [QAQC_Publications].[QAQC_Field]
    FROM [QAQC_Publications]
    WHERE [QAQC_Publications].[StudiesID] --or whichever field the two tables 
                                          --share for publication/study connection
    IN (SELECT QAQC_Studies.StudiesID 
    FROM QAQC_Studies
    WHERE [QAQC_Studies].[StudiesID]=26806 or 26845)