I'm having a input .txt file with adjacency matrix looks like:
A 0 55 0
B 55 0 0
C 0 0 0
How can I parse this input into a 2D array or nested dictionary?
map['A']['B'] = 55
import StringIO
# this is just for the sake of a self-contained example
# this would be your actual file opened with open()
inf = StringIO.StringIO(" A B C\n"
"A 0 55 0\n"
"B 55 0 0\n"
"C 0 0 0")
import re
map = {}
lines = inf.readlines()
headers = []
# extract each group of consecutive word characters.
# If your headers might contain dashes or other non-word characters,
# you might want ([^\s]+) instead.
for header in re.findall('(\w+)', lines[0]):
map[header] = {}
for line in lines[1:]:
items = re.findall('(\w+)', line)
rowname = items[0]
for idx, item in enumerate(items[1:]):
map[headers[idx]][rowname] = item
print map