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How to pass the current user from the Api layer to service layer

in the WebApi I can get the current user using AspIdentity that way


However, The service Layer doesn't know about the AspIdentity. And I don't want to passe the current user as paramettre for all the methodes.

In other word, what pattern I can use to get the current user wherever I want.

The reason for this is to log all the activity the current user is doing in the application.


  • Finally this is how I implemented it.

    In the Framework Layer (a comun independent project) I added this:

    public interface ICurrentContextProvider<T>
        T GetCurrentUser();      

    In the API I Added the implementation of this interface, something like :

    public  ApplicationUser GetCurrentUser()
         return _usersService.FindByIdAsync(Convert.ToInt64(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId())).Result;

    And As the all other layers know about the Framework Layer I can call it anywhere without any reference to AspIdentity and without passing the Current user to all my functions.

    Note: I make it a generic because of the following: 1-Framework (common layer) doesn't know about application user 2-I can get any other type from the context like the ApplicationUserId which is Long.