Here is some example code to illustrate my issue.
p <- plot_ly(x = mtcars$mpg, y = seq_along(rownames(mtcars)), text=rownames(mtcars),
type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')
ax <- list(
title = "",
ticktext = rownames(mtcars),
tickvals = seq(1,32)
line <- list(
type = "line",
line = list(color = "pink"),
xref = "x",
yref = "y"
layer = 'below'
lines <- list()
for (i in seq_along(rownames(mtcars))) {
line[["x0"]] <- mtcars$mpg[i] - 1
line[["x1"]] <- mtcars$mpg[i] + 1
line[c("y0", "y1")] <- i
lines <- c(lines, list(line))
p <- layout(p, title = 'Highlighting with Lines', shapes = lines, yaxis=ax)
I would like to add horizontal lines through the plot to separate each y-axis label. I would prefer the line split the labels as well as the graph, but splitting just the graph would suffice. I have looked extensively through the plotly
reference but have yet to find anything that appears to help. I was told that there might be some sort of solution through some custom JS in the y-axis
of the layout
section, but am unsure on how I would go about this / am not very JS savvy.
I was able to accomplish this by adding more lines to the lines
list. Under the for
loop shown above, if you add the code:
for (i in seq_along(rownames(mtcars))) {
line[["x0"]] <- 10
line[["x1"]] <- 35
line[c("y0", "y1")] <- i-.5
lines <- c(lines, list(line))
It will place a separating line in between each of the data lines.