"Monads allow the programmer to build up computations using sequential building blocks" therefore it allows us to combine some computations. If this is the case, then why the following code can not be run?
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
gt :: State String String
gt = do
name <- get
putStrLn "HI" -- Here is the source of problem!
put "T"
return ("hh..." ++ name ++ "...!")
main= do
print $ execState gt "W.."
print $ evalState gt "W.."
Why cannot we put different functions in a monad (like the above example)?
Why do we need an additional layer, i.e. transformers to combine the monads?
Monad transformers are the mechanisms for putting different functions in a monad.
A monad only knows how to combine computations that are within the abilities of that monad. You can't do I/O in a State
monad, but you can in a StateT s IO a
monad. However, you will need to use liftIO
on the computations that do I/O.
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
gt :: StateT String IO String
gt = do
name <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn "HI"
put "T"
return ("hh..." ++ name ++ "...!")
main = do
print =<< execStateT gt "W.."
print =<< evalStateT gt "W.."