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(ngModelChange) does not fire when I remove all values or paste values

The (ngModelChange) event does not fire when I clear all values from input field by using Ctrl.A or paste a value into it.

<input pInputText (ngModelChange)="IsElementDataMissingForMultiValue(languages.TranslationValue)"  
    [(ngModel)]="languages.TranslationValue" type="text" />
function Controller()
    function IsElementDataMissingForMultiValue(value)

The (ngModelChange) event triggers when I remove values one by one or add values one by one. But it does not trigger when removing all values by using Ctrl+A or pasting values by using Ctrl+V.


  • It's my mistake.

    The problem occurred when I does not assign $event to ngModel object in some event's

    This below code does not working


    But the below code working like a charm!.

    (ngModelChange)="languages.TranslationValue = $event; 

    I hope this may be helps others.