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Exclude loop from progressive cost algorithm

I have an algorithm to calculate the amount of products on target cost. The cost of one product is not constant, it is more expensive by 10%. The target cost may be exceeded if it is closer than the incomplete cost.

I need to optimize code and exclude loop, because it is not effective at high target cost.

This is my working solution with unit test (nunit framework)

public static int CalculateProductAmountOnCost( double targetCost, double productRate )
    if ( targetCost <= 0 || productRate <= 0 )
        return 1;

    var previousCollectedCost = 0.0;
    var collectedCost = 0.0;
    var amount = 0;

    for ( ; collectedCost < targetCost; amount++ )
        previousCollectedCost = collectedCost;
        collectedCost += productRate*Math.Pow( 1.1, amount );

    if ( targetCost - previousCollectedCost < collectedCost - targetCost )
        amount -= 1;
    return Math.Max( 1, amount );

[TestCase( 9, 2, 4 )]
[TestCase( 7, 2, 3 )]
[TestCase( 0, 2, 1 )]
[TestCase( 9, 0, 1 )]
[TestCase( 4.5, 0.2, 12 )]
public void TradeDealHelper_CalculateProductAmountOnGemCostTest( double targetCost, double productRate,
        int expectedAmount )
    var actualAmount = TradeDealHelper.CalculateProductAmountOnCost( targetCost, productRate );

    Assert.AreEqual( expectedAmount, actualAmount );


  • public static int CalculateProductAmountOnCost2(double targetCost, double productRate)
        if (targetCost <= 0 || productRate <= 0)
            return 1;
        var amount = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(((targetCost / (productRate * 10)) + 1), 1.1) - 1);
        var lowerCost = productRate * 10 * (Math.Pow(1.1, amount + 1) - 1);
        var upperCost = productRate * 10 * (Math.Pow(1.1, amount + 2) - 1);
        if (targetCost - lowerCost > upperCost - targetCost)
        return Math.Max(1, amount + 1);

    There is a bit of math you can use. What follows is basically mathematical stuff, not code.

    Your total cost is:

    totalCost = productRate + productRate * 1.1 + productRate * (1.1 ^ 2) + ... + productRate * (1.1 ^ n)

    Which can be rewritten as:

    totalCost = productRate * (1 + 1.1 + 1.1 ^ 2 + ... 1.1 ^ n)

    There is a formula to calculate that sum:

    1 + a + a ^ 2 + ... a ^ n = (a ^ (n + 1) - 1) / (a - 1)

    So your total cost is now:

    totalCost = productRate * ((1.1 ^ (n + 1) - 1) / (1.1 - 1))
    totalCost = productRate * 10 * (1.1 ^ (n + 1) - 1)

    We apply this last formula to find n for your targetCost, and we get:

    n = Math.Log((targetCost / (productRate * 10)) + 1, 1.1) - 1

    (that's logarithm in base 1.1)

    The code is applying these formulas.