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Triggering "CanExecute" on postsharp [Command] when a document changes?

I am currently migrating a project to PostSharp to remove a lot of boilerplate code, most of it is going very smoothly but I'm left confused about how to force a command to recheck if it CanExecute. I expected PostSharp would inspect the command like it does properties to check for dependencies, here is a minimalist sample

public class MyWindowViewModel
    /// Anything bound to this refreshes just fine as expected
    public ObservableCollection<SomeType> Documents = new ObservableCollection<SomeType>();

   public ICommand AddDocumentCommand { get; set; }
   public void ExecuteAddDocument () { Documents.Add(new SomeType()); }

   public ICommand CloseDocumentCommand { get; set; }
   public bool CanExecuteCloseDocument () => Documents.Any(); 
   public void ExecuteCloseDocument () { Documents.Remove(Documents.Last()); }        

At start the collection is empty and the button attached to the close command is greyed as expected, however adding a document through the button attached to AddDocument doesn't activate the close document button, what is the appropriate way to accomplish what I need? Is PostSharp only considering assignments and not method calls as changes or is it something else entirely?


  • According to their Command documentation

    CanExecuteCloseDocument should be a property

    public bool CanExecuteCloseDocument => Documents.Any();

    The method option is used when the command requires parameters,

    The command availability check that depends on the input argument can be implemented as a method.

    for example

    public bool CanExecuteCloseDocument (int blah) => Documents.Any(); 
    public void ExecuteCloseDocument (int blah) { Documents.Remove(Documents.Last()); }

    That aside the main issue here is that the view is unaware of the changes to the collection to know to refresh property changes.

    Refer to this

    Dependencies to collections

    When you add the [AggregateAllChanges] attribute to a field or automatic property, any change to a property of the object assigned to this field/property will be interpreted as a change to the field/property itself. The attribute now works only for collections.

    public class MyWindowViewModel {
        /// Anything bound to this refreshes just fine as expected
        [AggregateAllChanges] // <-- when the collection changes to cause notification
        public ObservableCollection<SomeType> Documents { get; } = new ObservableCollection<SomeType>();
       public ICommand AddDocumentCommand { get; set; }
       public void ExecuteAddDocument () { Documents.Add(new SomeType()); }
       public ICommand CloseDocumentCommand { get; set; }
       public bool CanExecuteCloseDocument => Documents.Any(); 
       public void ExecuteCloseDocument () { Documents.Remove(Documents.Last()); }        