I am trying to write standalone ESP8266 code so that it can communicate to wifi and change its states. For this, what I want to do is to send some command "AT+CWMODE=1" or "AT+CWMODE=3" to ESP8266 via code and toggle them on push button tap.
So, like in Arduino there is a Serial.write which writes on a serial monitor via SoftwareSerial class.
But when I am sending Serial.write("AT+CWMODE=1")
it prints on the monitor as a string rather than changing the wifi state.
Is there a way to send AT commands without using Arduino chip software serial pins?
Sorted out the issue. All those who are new like me to ESP world, I did the serial.write "AT" commands using wifi classes of Esp8266.
You need to connect the board as ESP8266 Generic Module and send/receive data using ESP8266Wifi class, by reading the scanned networks, changing mode, using Serial.read on the connected devices on Access point of Esp8266.
Let me know if someone need help on this future, I will be happy to help.