When creating an Multipart/related request. We need add an additional type=MIME_TYPE
to the Content-Type
The Content-Type should look like this
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=boundary_1324; type="application/json";
When Looking at the MultipartBody constructor
MultipartBody(ByteString boundary, MediaType type, List<Part> parts) {
this.boundary = boundary;
this.originalType = type;
this.contentType = MediaType.parse(type + "; boundary=" + boundary.utf8());
this.parts = Util.immutableList(parts);
We are allowed to add the boundary token.
But when calling MediaType.parse
like this
final MediaType parse = MediaType.parse("multipart/related; type=application/json");
The object parse is null
Anyone got an idea on how to add type=application/json
Quote the value, and don't include the trailing ;
MediaType mt = MediaType.parse("multipart/related; type=\"application/json\"");
This matches the spec, which expects either a simple token or a quoted string. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2045#section-5.1
n.b. MediaType won't extract type for you, but shouldn't fail.