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Prevent duplicate Toast messages in Ionic

I have implemented toast using ToastController in my ionic2 project . Currently i am facing an issue with the duplicate toast messages . Is there any way to prevent the duplication / overlapping of toast message in ionic2 / angular2

(NB : Duplication means when I click on a button I am displaying a toast , if I click on the same button multiple times the toast messages overlaps ) ?


export class <className>{
   constructor(private toast:ToastController){
    showToast(message) {
    let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
        message: message,
        duration: 2000,
        position: 'bottom'

I am calling this method on an button click .


  1. with duplicates toast (taken example using toastr , same sitaution is for me) enter image description here

  2. when i enable "prevent notification" , the duplicate toast are not there within the timeout duration . enter image description here

Any help is much appreciated.


  • You can use a property on that page to know if a toast is being shown or not before showing a new one.

    Ionic 2/3

    import { ToastController, Toast } from 'ionic-angular';
    // ...
    private isToastVisible: boolean;
    constructor(private toastCtrl: ToastController) { }
    presentToast() {
      if(this.isToastVisible) {
      this.isToastVisible = true;
      const toast: Toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
        message: 'User was added successfully',
        duration: 3000,
        position: 'top'
      toast.onDidDismiss(() => {
        this.isToastVisible = false;

    Ionic 4/5

    import { ToastController } from '@ionic/angular';
    // ...
    private isToastVisible: boolean;
    constructor(private toastCtrl: ToastController) { }
    presentToast() {
      if(this.isToastVisible) {
      this.isToastVisible = true;
        message: 'User was added successfully',
        duration: 3000,
        position: 'top'
      }).then((toast: HTMLIonToastElement) => {
        toast.onDidDismiss().then(() => {
          this.isToastVisible = false;