I'm tinkering with bookdown
and am generating both html and pdf output.
For the html output the rendered R
input and output are placed in blocks with gray background. For the pdf output the input chunks are highlighted but the output isn't. For example the following source code
Blah blah blah
```{r, message=FALSE}
library(mosaic) # Load mosiac-pakken
tally(~ Smoke, data=fev) # Optæl Smoke
Blah blah blah
results in this tex output:
\KeywordTok{library}\NormalTok{(mosaic) }\CommentTok{# Load mosiac-pakken}
\KeywordTok{tally}\NormalTok{(}\OperatorTok{~}\StringTok{ }\NormalTok{Smoke, }\DataTypeTok{data=}\NormalTok{fev) }\CommentTok{# Optæl Smoke}
0 1
589 65
The input is wrapped in Shaded
and Highlighting
which can be modified in the preamble of the tex file. The output, however, is only wrapped in a standard verbatim
environment which would be problematic to redefine in the file (since a redefinition will mess other parts up). How can I setup my configuration to wrap the output in an environment that I can redefine? Or possibly just keep the input and output wrapped in the same environment?
My _output.yml
file looks like this (which is more or less copied from Yihui)
highlight: zenburn
in_header: latex/preamble.tex
before_body: latex/before_body.tex
after_body: latex/after_body.tex
keep_tex: yes
dev: "cairo_pdf"
latex_engine: xelatex
citation_package: natbib
template: null
pandoc_args: --chapters
toc_depth: 3
toc_unnumbered: no
toc_appendix: yes
quote_footer: ["\\VA{", "}{}"]
How can I change the code to add a wrapper or just redefine the format of the output chunk?
Since bookdown 0.4, you can use a global option bookdown.post.latex
to post-process the LaTeX output. In your case, it will be like:
options(bookdown.post.latex = function(x) {
# x is the content of the LaTeX output file
gsub('^\\\\(begin|end)\\{verbatim\\}$', '\\\\\\1{YOUR_ENVIRONMENT}', x)
Then define the custom environment in your LaTeX preamble.