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FlowPlayer on Chrome not recognizing Adobe Flash when the site loads for the first time

A few of our clients who use our websites to play videos online have been getting this message recently in Chrome.

We use the Flash version of FlowPlayer (v3.2.18) to play videos. This has been working for a long time. Only recently this message is appearing.

I know Chrome has been deprecating Flash for a long time. The message appearing over the player is coming from flowplayer.js when it doesn't recognize the plugin been installed in Chrome although it is. Is there any workaround for this?


Flash version 10,1 or greater is required

You have no flash plugin installed

Download latest version from here


  • This is caused because Chrome is phasing out Flash in favor of HTML5.

    Flash is still supported in Chrome but the user needs to manually enable flash for each site. Why a site requires to manually activated or not is based on something called site engagement. Basically, the more you visit a site the higher the this index is, you can check your values if you input this url : chrome://site-engagement .But please note that the plan from Google is that in few months (by Oct 2017) everybody will require to activate flash for each site even in the sites with highest indexes.

    Google is doing this to force people to adopt HTML5. More info here:

    Your option here (in addition to manually enable flash for the site, or use other browser :-) ) is to use Flowplayer 7 (or any other HTML5 player). The lastest versions of Flowplayer offers an html5 video player with flash fallback support.