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Paypal button not showing

Since this morning, I am getting a weird issue with the paypal button.

It shows for 1 seconds when I navigate to it, then it appears broken and I see the following message in the console:…l&style.label=pay&version=4&uid=154887c448&locale.x=en_US&xcomponent=1:452 Refused to load the image '…E3IEMgOTUuNCA0LjkxNyA5NS4yIDUuMTE3IDk1LjEgNS40MTcgWiI+PC9wYXRoPgo8L3N2Zz4K' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src https:".

Did anything change ?


  • Looks like Paypal sorted the issue on their own. The error is gone and the button shows properly.