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List of AWS instances by TAG value using powershell

We are taging our AWS instances, I will like to retrieve a list of ALL our instances (ELB, S3, EC2, Security Groups) by TAG reference. for instance we consistently TAG our resources with something like this: { "Key": "Project", "Value": "bananas" },

How can we obtain trough power-shell a list of ALL our resources that contain the TAG Project value "bananas"?

I was able to get all my EC2s using the below script:

$instance = Get-EC2Instance -Filter @( @{name='tag:Project'; values="bananas"}; @{name='instance-state-code'; values = 16} ) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty instances #Get instance ID ignoring any terminated instances $instance | Export-CSV "C:\ec2.csv"

But I'm not sure how to obtain all my tagged resources using one script.


  • Check out the AWS Resource Groups Tagging API cmdlets -- these are relatively new, so you may have to update your AWS Tools for PowerShell to the latest version to be able to use them.


    The example below calls Get-RGTResource for the tag Key=Project, Value=Bananas, and filters the response to all ResourceARNs that were retrieved. The ResourceARN is a unique identifier for each AWS resource, and you can use these as a starting point to call out to other AWS services to get more details about each associated resource.

    (Get-RGTResource -TagFilter @{Key="Project"; Values = @("bananas")}).ResourceARN

    Example Output


    Further Reading