I got a question please I want to create a CSS looping gradient animation but when I do it the animation is very static it's not animating smoothly below is an example what I'm currently working on. Hope you can help me please.
.slider1 {
background: background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(109, 0, 255)) !important;
/* css animation not smooth */
.slider1 {
opacity: .5;
animation: myfirst 5s;
-moz-animation: myfirst 5s infinite; /* Firefox */
-webkit-animation: myfirst 5s infinite; /* Safari and Chrome */
@-moz-keyframes myfirst { /* Firefox */
0% {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(0, 174, 255))
50% {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(135, 255, 0))
100% {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(109, 0, 255))
@-webkit-keyframes myfirst { /* Safari and Chrome */
0% {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(0, 174, 255))
50% {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(135, 255, 0))
100% {
background: linear-gradient(rgba(173, 136, 255, 0.44), rgb(109, 0, 255))
<div class="slider1">
This some content
<div class="wsite-spacer" style="height:600px;"></div>
basically your gradint has a fixed color on top, and a varying color in the bottom.
If you construct this gradint as 2 different gradint overlayed, then you can move the one on the bottom and create the changes in color from the changes in position
div {
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
linear-gradient(to top, transparent, red),
linear-gradient(to right, green, yellow, blue);
background-size: 100% 100%, 2000% 100%;
animation: move 5s infinite;
@keyframes move {
from {background-position: center center, left center;}
to {background-position: center center, right center;}