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SPARQL query for some kind of START WITH and CONNECT BY (Oracle)

I'm busy with a proof of concept working with a triple store. I have the following structure:

enter image description here

There are 2 relation types defined (triples). Top-down relation where the child is part of ("isPartOf" its parent and left-right where there are childs that CAN (optional) be replaced ("replaces") by another version of the child.

Also every child have a "isValidStart" triple with a date as object. This means that this child is valid since that date. The last child in a horizontal childgroup can have a relation "isInvalidEnd" that means that after this date this group is invalid.

What I want to do is to build a SPARQL query where I can get the childs of a parent on a specific date. Is that possible with SPARQL and how can I do that?

I know that there is in Oracle any kind of START WITH / CONNECT BY function that do some kind of this stuff...but how do I this in SPARQL world.


</metadata/puid/test2> <> "/metadata/puid/test1" .
</metadata/puid/test2> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test3> <> "/metadata/puid/test2" .
</metadata/puid/test3> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test4> <> "/metadata/puid/test3" .
</metadata/puid/test4> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test5> <> "/metadata/puid/test4" .
</metadata/puid/test5> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test6> <> "/metadata/puid/test4" .
</metadata/puid/test6> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test7> <> "/metadata/puid/test4" .
</metadata/puid/test7> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test8> <> "/metadata/puid/test7" .
</metadata/puid/test8> <> "2015-07-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test9> <> "/metadata/puid/test5" .
</metadata/puid/test9> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test10> <> "/metadata/puid/test5" .
</metadata/puid/test10> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test11> <> "/metadata/puid/test5" .
</metadata/puid/test11> <> "2015-04-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test12> <> "/metadata/puid/test9" .
</metadata/puid/test12> <> "2015-07-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test13> <> "/metadata/puid/test10" .
</metadata/puid/test13> <> "2015-05-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test14> <> "/metadata/puid/test13" .
</metadata/puid/test14> <> "2015-08-01"^^<> .
</metadata/puid/test14> <> "2015-12-01"^^<> .

// disclaimer: I'm new in SPARQL world


  • I worked on a solution and I found a working solution. I put this method in a function that I can use to find the valid childs below that item (parent). I get a complete tree, with only valid items, when calling this function recursively.

    PREFIX : <>
    PREFIX xsd: <>
    SELECT  ?child ?startDate ?endDate
        # get the valid start values 
        ?child  :isValidStart  ?startDate
        BIND(iri("'||$parent||'") as ?parent) 
        FILTER EXISTS{ {?child :isPartOf ?parent }
                      UNION { 
                        ?child (:replaces)+ ?prevVersion .
                        ?prevVersion :isPartOf ?parent
        # and there was no other valid replacing child
        FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?replacer  :replaces  ?child ;
                                       :isValidStart ?startDateReplacer
                            FILTER (?startDateReplacer <= "'||$selectionDate||'"^^xsd:date)
        # where the start was before/at the given date
        FILTER(?startDate <= "'||$selectionDate||'"^^xsd:date)
        OPTIONAL { ?child :isValidEnd ?endDate }
        # and not end date is before/at selection date        
        FILTER NOT EXISTS { FILTER (?endDate <= "'||$selectionDate||'"^^xsd:date) }        