I've seen the multiple entries similar to this one but can't find one that fits my specific needs so sorry if this is considered a repost.
Note; Using Sql Server 2012 and am just past beginner in level of knowledge of programming, so might still be missing something obvious.
I have a table called Results that outputs the following (With example data)
UID | LotNum | SerNum | ResultValue| ResultCode | TestType |
1 | Lot1 | 1234 | 10 | 1 | 1 |
2 | Lot1 | 1234 | 5 | 1 | 1 |
3 | Lot1 | 1234 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
4 | Lot1 | 2345 | 5 | 1 | 1 |
5 | Lot1 | 2345 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
6 | Lot1 | 2345 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
The UID is autogenerated, the rest is entered and the maximum amount of tests per serial number is 3.
I'm trying to pull some of this data into a single row based off of the Serial Number so I can easily combine it with a separate table using a stored procedure. This new table looks like this
SerNum | UID1 | Result1 | UID2 | Result2 | UID3 | Result 3
Where the UIDs and Results can be null, and SerNum is not necessarily sequential (as shown in the example data).
I've tried several things but the closest I have gotten is
Alter Procedure [dbo].[spSerialNum](
@LotNum varchar(50)
Truncate Table dbo.tbl_Serial_Num
Insert into dbo.tbl_Serial_Num (Serial_Num, UID1, Result1, UID2, Result2, UID3, Result 3)
Select A.SerNum, A.UID, A.ResultCode, B.UID, B.ResultCode, C.UID, C.ResultCode
From dbo.tbl_Results A
Left Join dbo.tbl_Results B ON A.LotNum = B.LotNum and A.SerNum = B.SerNum and A.UID < B.UID
Left Join dbo.tbl_Results C ON A.LotNum = C.LotNum and A.SerNum = C.SerNum and B.UID < C.UID
Where A.LotNum = @LotNum
This however returns a table that looks like this
How do I get rid of the duplicate rows (If I am understanding it correctly its executing for every row of original data); is the Left Self Join not the right option for this or am I just missing a predicate?
Here is one way that doesn't use pivot since you stated they can only have 3 instances...
create table #tempTable([UID] int,LotNum varchar(16),SerNum int, ResultValue int, ResultCode int , TestType int)
insert into #tempTable
;with cte as(
row_number() over (partition by SerNum order by [UID]) as RN
,s1.UID as UID1
,s1.ResultCode as Result1
,s2.UID as UID2
,s2.ResultCode as Result2
,s3.UID as UID3
,s3.ResultCode as Result3
cte s1
left join
cte s2 on s2.SerNum = s1.SerNum and s2.RN = s1.RN + 1
left join
cte s3 on s3.SerNum = s1.SerNum and s3.RN = s1.RN + 2
s1.RN = 1
drop table #tempTable
| SerNum | UID1 | Result1 | UID2 | Result2 | UID3 | Result3 |
| 1234 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
| 2345 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 2 |