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Route 53 with external Domain Registrar?

I have created a Route 53 hosted zone which contains a SOA, an NS record and a A record.

The A record points to the web instance I have hosted on AWS.

enter image description here

On the registrar what do I need to use to get the domain to use Amazon Route 53, is it just Nameservers? Or do I need an A record or a CNAME?

Which Nameservers should I use the SO or the NS record?


enter image description here


  • Just name server entries, here is AWS documentation on Migrating DNS Service for an Existing Domain to Amazon Route 53.

    Which name servers? Here are steps on how/where to get them and add them in 3rd party server.

    Step 5: Update Your Registrar's Name Servers

    Step2: In the Amazon Route 53 console, get the name servers for your Amazon Route 53 hosted zone:

    Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Route 53 console at

    In the navigation pane, click Hosted Zones.

    On the Hosted Zones page, choose the radio button (not the name) for the hosted zone.

    In the right pane, make note of the four servers listed for Name Servers.

    Alternatively, you can use the GetHostedZone action. For more information, see GetHostedZone in the Amazon Route 53 API Reference.

    Step3: Using the method provided by the registrar for the domain, replace the name servers in the registrar's NS records with the four Amazon Route 53 name servers that you got in step 2.

    Note Some registrars only allow you to specify name servers using IP addresses; they don't allow you to specify fully qualified domain names. If your registrar requires using IP addresses, you can get the IP addresses for your name servers using the dig utility (for Mac, Unix, or Linux) or the nslookup utility (for Windows). We rarely change the IP addresses of name servers; if we need to change IP addresses, we'll notify you in advance.